San Francisco is home to some of the best public art in the country, and with hundreds of interesting sculptures to choose from, picking the best ones is an impossible task! Nonetheless we decided to take the challenge,...
It looks like SF may be able to enjoy the cherry blossoms after all. Two of Japantown’s beloved historic cherry blossom trees were destroyed at the beginning of this year. The trees were originally 12 to 15 feet high,...
San Francisco came in second to Boston for its progress in clean energy. Solar Energy Insights ranked 75 US cities for their energy policies and programs, focusing mainly on large, metropolitan cities around the country...
Saturday will be the only dry day out of the next seven. Drought-stricken California is preparing to welcome a barrage of winter storms this week, with the heaviest rainfall expected to start Tuesday night. Wint...
Tune in to their website on January 30th for a Covid-safe laugh, courtesy of your favorite comedians. We could all use a laugh these days, and SF Sketchfest is determined to bring the best comedy right…...
The Bay Area is proud to see Oakland native Kamala Harris make history today. On January 20th, 2021, Harris was sworn in as our country’s first woman and first Black and South Asian Vice President. “I’...
Today the United States welcomes its first female vice president in U.S. history, who also happens to be the first Black and South Asian vice president. Kamala Harris hails from Oakland, California, and the Bay Area is...
Because we all still deserve to have a laugh! San Francisco’s normally thriving comedy scene has experienced plenty of setbacks due to Covid. But don’t say goodbye to your favorite comics just yet, because they’re still...
San Francisco comes to life after sunset with dozens of eco-friendly light installations. Illuminate SF is coming to the end of its eighth annual Festival of Lights, and they certainly did not disappoint this year. With...
Half Moon Bay and Sonoma County will be hit especially hard by the king tides. Much of the Bay Area’s coastline has been slammed by enormous waves this week, the largest of which are thirty feet tall. Monstrous sw...