Jane Fonda’s iconic Fire Drill Fridays are back — raising more than just heart rates.
The 82-year-old actress and climate activist joined TikTok last Thursday to announce that her legendary Fire Drill Fridays are back! Her inaugural video began with an introduction of herself while lying on a yoga mat with the accompanying text imploring anyone who doesn’t know her to “Google” her. She then confirmed what everyone was hoping for by saying “I’m bringing back the Jane Fonda workout during this home sequestration.” This was followed by a flashback to her glory days, wearing a shiny blue leotard, doing her usual routine in true 80s style.
After humoring audiences with a few leg lifts, the video quickly switched to Fonda in a red trench expressing how jaded she was with the plethora of online routines. “You know what? There are too many workouts happening right now on television and computers,” she added.
It turns out the Fire Drill Fridays will form part of virtual protests for the planet in partnership with Greenpeace. “There’s a climate crisis that’s a real emergency. Whether you’re on your couch or your yoga mat, would you join me for the virtual Fire Drill Fridays? The future needs you, I need you,” she went on to say.
The first virtual drill took place last Friday and landed up crashing, possibly as a result of too many people trying to join at once. The protest will highlight youth and celebrity activists leading up to the 50th Earth Day anniversary. Technical glitches aside, the star is definitely raising awareness of these key issues.
To join the rally, there’s a whole website dedicated to it, or you could just finally join TikTok and follow Fonda.