You’ll find thousands of bright yellow wildflowers just north of Santa Cruz.
Calling all Instagrammers! There’s a gigantic field of beautiful flowers in bloom right now on Highway 1, in a field south of Bonny Doon Road.
These little yellow flowers are almost as recognizable in California as the California poppy. They’re called Bermuda Buttercups, or Oxalis pes-caprae, and they usually bloom between December and April.
Oxalis pes-caprae is actually an invasive weed indigenous to South Africa, but like ice plant and eucalyptus, it has become a fairly expected part of our plant landscape. That doesn’t make it less of a nuisance for farmers and home gardeners, but when it occurs in a superbloom like this, you can’t deny that it is breathtaking!
Find the Bermuda Buttercup superbloom along Highway 1 in Davenport, and don’t forget to share your pics on Instagram and tag us at #MySecretSF!
[Featured Image: @dirtdrops via Instagram]