San Franciscans are used to witnessing all sorts of bizarre occurrences out and about, but sometimes it’s nice to take a step back and see the city again with fresh eyes. We wanted to get to the bottom of what makes San Francisco so unique, so we asked our audiences, “What’s something that’s considered totally normal in SF but nowhere else?” After scrolling through hundreds of wild responses, we compiled a list of the most entertaining ones.
Urban coyotes
Tech ads on 101/280
Blaming people for their car being broken into because there was a jacket visible
Cable cars
$17 sandwiches
Public nudity
Flocks of squawking parrots 🦜 all over town
The sound of the 1 California on the electric wires as they drive past your apartment building
SF sourdough bread. Nothing like it anywhere else
Easter Hunky Jesus Contest at Dolores Park
Standing at the crosswalk waiting for the light to shift even when no cars are coming
Climbing a mountain to walk a few blocks to the next building down the road
Waiting in line for an hour to buy a pastry
Waiting over a year just to reserve a campsite
Fog horns lulling you to sleep😴🌊
Parking on a 45 degree hill
Having a name for the fog that covers the city
Driverless cars
Hearing the sound of the cable car going ding ding ding past my house every day
$15 shots of wheatgrass
Pairing flip flops with Patagonia down jackets
People don’t feel their race
A picnic for three legged dogs
Self expression and originality
Paying more than $75 a month for my cats’ rent
Sourdough pizza
Taking a train to the train that takes you to the ferry
A mayor who grew up in public housing
Drag queen nuns on skateboards
Crowds of people standing on the shore listening to the 4th of July fireworks even though there’s so much fog they can’t see them
Strangers talking to each other on the bus like they’ve known each other their entire lives
Dutch Crunch
Celebrating a House of Prime Rib reservation like a holiday
Roller skating in a church
All our haters! No other beautiful city has as many haters
The Bay Area: 100 degrees. The City: 60
Being able to be yourself without judgment
Wearing a parka on Fourth of July
People in costumes anywhere, anytime 🦄🐼🐰🎩
Three rights make a left
Dressing in Patagonia to eat at a Michelin-starred restaurant and home by 9pm
When asked: “Let’s get Chinese?” Responding: “Um, Hunanese or Hakka would be great because I’m a bit tired of Sichuan.”
Minding your own business.