We’re bringing you the breaking news stories that affect San Franciscans. From new city park projects to public holidays and events, you can count on us to keep you informed.
Biden has broken the record for the popular vote but Trump currently trails by 34 electoral votes. 2020 has been a year that will undoubtedly go down in the history books as one of the most eventful and turbulent years...
We all saw it. The single video that made us forget how depressing 2020 has been, even if just for a moment. In the video, the Tik Tok user is cruising down the street on his longboard to 1977 anthem Dreams by…...
Don’t go searching for the Great Pumpkin on broadcast television this Halloween. For the first time in decades, Peanuts holiday specials will not be broadcast on public television. Instead, the animated classics will be...
The microphone cut-offs are intended to prevent interruptions during Thursday’s final presidential debate. The Commission on Presidential Debates has announced that President Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Jo...
Aren’t humpback whales just the most magical creatures? Whale-watchers near Monterey witnessed an incredible spectacle this past Sunday – a triple breach! This occurrence, when three humpback whales leap out...
Be sure to look up this month. If 2020’s been anything positive, it’s been an astrological spectacle – with a number of space-bound delights lighting up our skies, from blue, pink and bright-glowing moons, to meteor sho...
Is rent finally becoming more affordable? We surely hope so. Rent prices in the San Francisco Bay Area are notoriously high. Rent is so high that it has become cheaper to live in The Big Apple in recent years which, fra...
On Wednesday, September 9, cities across California woke up to dark red and orange skies, here’s why. Many Californians woke up to a surreal view on Wednesday. An otherwordly orangey-red glow covered the skies in...
The widespread fires have created their own microclimate, engulfing Cali in a cloud of red. Four months of wildfire season remain but West Coast states are already struggling to control the nearly 100 fires blazing thro...
The wildfires have been blazing across the whole of the West Coast, forcing thousands to flee their homes. California, Oregon and Washington have been severely affected by this year’s wildfires. More than 3.4m a...